sexta-feira, 23 de abril de 2010

Food Rules

This is the first part of a book summary about eating right that I'll post here in parts. Hope it's a help and that you enjoy it!

An Eater’s Manual

Michael Pollan

(New York: Penguin Books, 2009.)

Eating in our time has gotten complicated—needlessly so, in my opinion. Most of us have come to rely on experts of one kind or another to tell us how to eat—doctors and diet books, media accounts of the latest findings in nutritional science, government advisories and food pyramids, the proliferating health claims on food packages. We may not always heed these experts’ advice, but their voices are in our heads every time we order from a menu or wheel down the aisle in the supermarket. Also in our heads today resides an astonishing amount of biochemistry. How odd is it that everybody now has at least a passing acquaintance with words like “antioxidant,” “saturated fat,” “omega-3 fatty acids,” “carbohydrates,” “polyphenols,” “folic acid,” “gluten,” and “probiotics”? It’s gotten to the point where we don’t see foods anymore but instead look right through them to the nutrients (good and bad) they contain, and of course to the calories—all these invisible qualities in our food that, properly understood, supposedly hold the secret to eating well.

But for all the scientific and pseudoscientific food baggage we’ve taken on in recent years, we still don’t know what we should be eating. Should we worry more about the fats or the carbohydrates? Then what about the “good” fats? Or the “bad” carbohydrates, like high-fructose corn syrup? What’s the deal with artificial sweeteners? Is it really true that this breakfast cereal will improve my son’s focus at school or that other cereal will protect me from a heart attack? And when did eating a bowl of breakfast cereal become a therapeutic procedure?

A few years ago, feeling as confused as everyone else, I set out to get to the bottom of a simple question: What should I eat? I’m not a nutrition expert or a scientist, just a curious journalist hoping to answer a straightforward question for myself and my family.

The deeper I delved into the confused and confusing thicket of nutritional science, the simpler the picture gradually became. I learned that in fact science knows a lot less about nutrition than you would expect—that in fact nutrition science is, to put it charitably, a very young science. It’s still trying to figure out exactly what happens in your body when you sip a soda, or what is going on in a carrot to make it so good for you, or why in the world you have so many neurons—brain cells!—in your stomach, of all places. Nutrition science, which after all only got started less than two hundred years ago, is today approximately where surgery was in the year 1650.

But if I’ve learned volumes about all we don’t know about nutrition, I’ve also learned a small number of very important things we do know about food and health. This is what I meant when I said the picture got simpler the deeper I went.

How to peel a Kiwi

quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010

Coconut Blondies

Hoje eu queria fazer uns brownies, mas como não tinha cacau decidi fazer "blondies". Blondies são tipo brownies só que "loirinhos", sem chocolate. Como eu estava sem tempo de procurar receitas, adaptei a minha receita de brownies e em vez de cacau, usei côco e ficou muito bom, especialmente com sorvete "Galak" de chocolate branco.

1 tablete de margarina forno e fogão
1/2 copo de óleo
1 copo de côco ralado
1 colher de sopa de baunilha
5 ovos
3 copos de açúcar
2 copos de farinha de trigo

Modo de fazer:
Derreter a margarina com o óleo, o côco e o açucar. Deixar esfriar e acrescentar os ovos e bater bem. acrescentar a baunilha e por último a farinha de trigo.
Assar em tabuleiro untado e polvilhado, em forno baixo por aprox 30 minutos.

Sugestões: Você pode usar chocolate branco picado, ou amendoas. ou pedaços de chocolate.
Outra idéia é fazer um caramelo tipo "butterscotch" com açúcar, manteiga e baunilha e jogar por cima!
Servir como desejar: Pode ser com chantilly, dôce de leite, sorvete de creme ou sorvete de chocolate branco. É maravilhoso de qualquer maneira. Até sem nada, acompanhado de um bom cafézinho. Enjoy!
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