terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011

Chef's visit, Raviolis, Lasagna & Nutella Ice Cream

My son is here visiting from the south where he does a chef course and has learned some cool kitchen tricks. One of them is to make home made raviolis, just making the pasta like a regular home made spaghetti dough, with flour, eggs and salt. Then you just put in the filling of your choice. Boil them  to taste and serve with the sauce you decide (tomatoes, bechamel, bolognesa , etc). He made different flavours, like meat, ham and cheese, gorgonzola cheese and served with a bechamel sauce which was perfet and delish!
raviolis served with sauted carrots and peas
Massa Para Raviólis
3 xícaras de farinha de trigo
8 ovos
Peneire a farinha de trigo com o sal e vá adicionando os ovos inteiros, um a um, até que a massa tome consistência.
Amasse até que fique igual. Se preferir uma massa mais macia use somente gemas e, neste caso, deverá dobrar o número de ovos.
Abra a massa com o rolo, bem fininha. Com o auxílio de um pires pequeno, corte pequenas rodelinhas, recheie do que preferir: galinha, carne ou queijo, presunto, etc. Feche os pastéizinhos, tendo o cuidado de colar bem as bordas.Cozinhe em água com sal e sirva com molho de macarronada, ou bechamel.
Os raviólis, por causa do recheio, não devem ser guardados por muitos dias, mas podem ser congelados.
Bom apetite!

He also made a perfect lazagna the night before which we greatly enjoyed.

The perfect lasagna

For dessert, I made the nutella ice cream I posted the recipe below! Yummy!

Nutella Ice Cream. Just  beat milk cream and a nutella jar, and freeze it for a few hours.
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