sábado, 30 de maio de 2009

Doces e Sabores

Minha grande amiga, Aida está recebendo encomendas para bolos e doces de aniversários e festas em geral, que até agora só fazia com exclusividade para os amigos e familiares. Agora todos podem desfrutar das maravilhas que saem das mãos desta doceira de mão cheia. Vamos usar e divulgar! Eu assino embaixo.


Meu antigo hobby de fazer bolos e doces está se transformando em uma empresa. Juntei-me a 2 doceiras de “mão-cheia”, o que me permitirá manter minhas atividades na consultoria e me divertir nas horas vagas.

Abaixo algumas criações dos últimos 2 anos.O site está em processo e logo sairá, enquanto isso aceitamos encomendas via os contatos abaixo. Por favor, divulguem para os amigos.

Um abraço.



Tel: (21) 3325-6252 (Nair ou Aida)

Email: maria_aida@globo.com

quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2009

Chimichurri Argentino

Eu aprendi a apreciar o "chimichurri" quando morei em Buenos Aires e descobri as maravilhas da culinária argentina. Êta povinho que sabe comer bem! O churrasco (assado) de lá é sempre acompanhado de um bom "chimichurri". O que vem a ser isso? Bem, é um molho feito a base de alho, salsinha, orégano e pimenta calabresa que uma vez que você experimenta, nunca mais quer comer um bom churrasco sem ele! É demais! Quando eu experimentei, pensei "como é que não descobrimos isso antes!" É alucinante! Sem mais delongas aqui está a receita desta delicia da Argentina, chê! Existem variações de acordo com o país ou região, ou argentino, mas esta é a maneira que um argentino autêntico me ensinou!


Um molho grande de salsinha bem picada
Uma cabeça de alho bem picadinho, se possível no processador
2 copos de azeite ou outro tipo de óleo, mas preferívelmente azeite de oliva
Um jorro de vinagre
óregano à gosto
pimenta calabresa à gosto
sal à gosto
2 folhinhas de louro

Modo de fazer:
Em uma panela ou frigideira aquecer o azeite até o ponto antes de fritura. Colocar o alho e deixar um pouco ali para perder um pouco o gosto forte. Acrescentar a salsinha e os demais temperos e pronto! Se desejar, pode acrescentar mais azeite à vontade!
Voilá! Pode servir a vontade. Fica maravilhoso com pão francês, com a carne, ou no pão francês com linguiça, o famoso "choripan". A galera aqui bota chimichurri em tudo! Experimente, você vai amar!

terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2009


I can't tell you how disappointed I was that Adam didn't win. I had totally planned to celebrate and prance around letting my crazy hang out for the world to see. It was not meant to be because alas, in a ridiculous twist of fate and stupid fluke, Kris (with a K) the most non-Idol Idol won. As far as I'm concerned Adam won and he'll always be my Idol. All that to say that I had made a cheesecake to celebrate his win, but we used it to console ourselves in the end. Lua who usually strongly dislikes cheesecakes loved it. It was a major success and we all felt much better after mouthfuls of creamy, mousse-y, luscious, and rich cheesecake. There's nothing like good company and a good cheesecake to make you feel better. Here's the recipe:

Flor's No Bake Cheesecake


  • 500 gr whipping cream
  • 600gr softened cream cheese
  • zest of 2 limes
  • juice of 1 big lime
  • 1 cup sugar (aprox. to taste - keep in mind that there will be sweet jam on top)
  • vanilla
  • 250gr maizena (or graham) cracker crumbs (processed to fine)
  • 100gr melted unsalted butter

I know I should say that I make my own, but I don't. My fave cheesecake jam topping is a good brand of store bought jam with a bit of flavored fruit brandy to thin it out a bit.


  • Process the cookies really well so that they're nice and smooth
  • Mix with melted butter. The "dough" should hold when pinched. Press it into your baking dish (I like a pretty round 10 inch spring form pan, but you can use whatever you want)
  • Bake in medium heat until the edges start to brown
  • Cool completely
  • Beat the cream to stiff peaks and reserve
  • Beat the cream cheese, sugar, zest, juice, and vanilla together until very smooth and light
  • Carefully and thoroughly fold in the whipped cream
  • Pour into completely cooled pie crust and chill for at least 4-6 hours before serving
  • Thin out the jam with brandy of your choice and spoon on top of the cheesecake and enjoy!

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009

Anna Olson's Country Apple Pie

Aaron and Patricia came over this Sunday for lunch and a game of Risk. I made roast chicken thighs with gravy and prunes, rice with matchstick potatoes, and sateed carrots with butter and sugar. For dessert I wanted to make something really homey, wintery, and magnificent. The first thing that came to mind was apple pie. The next thing that came to mind was Anna Olson. I figured that between her awesomeness and my awesomeness we could do no wrong - and I was right. It was truly something to blog about, and so I'm sharing it with you. By the by, it is so easy to make it's insane. The dough came out a bit like massa folhada (don't know why), and it was crunchy and delish. Give it a go this weekend.

Anna Olson's Country Apple Pie

makes one 9 inch pie



  • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp fine salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter (I used all shortening, no butter)
  • 1/2 cup vegetable shortening
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 6 tbsp to 10 tbsp cold water as needed


  • 8 cups peeled and sliced tart apples, such as Spy or Spartan (I used Gala)
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
  • 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp finely grated lemon zest
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1 egg whisked with 2 tbsp cold water for brushing
  • sugar for sprinkling


  1. Combine flour with salt. Cut in butter and shortening until mixture is a roughly even crumbly texture.
  2. Add lemon juice and water and blend just until dough comes together. Shape into a disc, wrap and chill for 30 minutes.


  1. Toss all ingredients except butter together and set aside.
  2. Preheat oven to 400 °F.
  3. On a lightly floured surface, roll out half of dough to just under ¼-inch thick. Lightly dust bottom of a 9-inch pie pan with flour and line pan with dough. Fill pastry with apples and dot top with butter.
  4. Roll out remaining half of dough and place over apples. Trim and cinch edges of pie and cut in holes in top layer of pastry to let steam escape. Brush top of pie with eggwash and sprinkle lightly with sugar.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 375 °F and bake about 40 minutes, until filling is bubbling. Cool pie for at least an hour before slicing. (Super important: make sure you put your pie dish to bake on top of another bigger oven tray in case there's any dripping. You don't want the drippings burning and smoking all over your brand new Brastemp oven you just bought and almost suffocate to death trying to clean it while the oven is still hot so you can bake your chicken - I learned this the hard way.)
Tata for now!

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