It was creamy and luscious. Really worth taking note so it can be made over and over again. The way I cook savory foods is the famous pinch of this, handful of that, so it's difficult to write everything down in a recipe. Plus, this kind of food is really not a measure, mathematical, robotic thing - it's supposed to flow naturally. But in case you're wondering, it just a basic risotto recipe (minus the celery) with a very mild veggie stock. The dried apricots were thrown in halfway through cooking time, and the other ingredients only after the rice was cooked and turned off. I stirred it all together, put the lid on, and 10 min later......risotto perfection!

Receita básica de risoto italiano com arroz arbório, http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/risotto/basic-risotto-recipe com damasco picado e brie no final, um pouco de pimenta dedo de moça prá dar aquele "chan" e bacon frito por cima! Maaaaravilha!
Cortesia http://sos-flowerpower.blogspot.com/