quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2011

Roasted Garlic Recipe

4 heads garlic, stem end trimmed by 1/2-inch
1 tablespoon  extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon
1/4 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons chicken broth
Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F.
Rub the garlic with the olive oil and place the heads, cut-side up, in a small saute pan  that's just large enough to hold the garlic in. Season the garlic with the salt and pepper and add the broth to the saute pan. Place the saute pan in the oven and roast for about 30 minutes, or until the garlic is golden brown on the top and the cloves can be pierced easily with the tip of a sharp paring knife. Remove baking dish  from the oven and allow the garlic to cool. When the garlic is cool enough to handle, squeeze the roasted garlic out from the skins. You can eat this on Italian crusty bread or use in recipes like
Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes.
GarlicReported Health Benefits In Some Studies:
  • Antioxidant and antibacterial
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Increases high density lipoproteins
  • Protects against cancer, including colon, breast, and prostate
  • Reduces the risk of colds and flu and speeds recovery
  • Natural Antibiotic

 It is also suggested by researchers that this increased hydrogen sulfide production may be the reason for reduced cancer risk among those who enjoy a garlic-rich diet of five or more cloves each day.
Though significantly increased garlic consumption is recommended for most, it can be contraindicated for those who are taking anticoagulant medications or aspirin, since the blood thinning action could be accelerated. It can also increase the risk of bleeding during surgery, so it's wise to discuss it with your doctor if these apply.
See your doctor with any questions on the above information on what is best for your health conditions, garlic is not a cure.
 Garlic makes a wonderful health supplement  but the garlic cure is no substitute for the basics: sensible eating and appropriate exercise. Garlic should be seen as part of a healthy lifestyle - not as an alternative to it. Always consult your doctor first regarding any medical condition, this is not a medical site.

Cortesy of Blog's  Got Heart  http://blogsgotheart.blogspot.com/2011/03/garlic-health-benefit-and-roasting-it.html#comment-form

domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011

Almoço em família!

Minha filha e meu genro me convidaram para um almoço muito agradável hoje, com meus co-sogros (pais do meu genro), minha filha solteira e meus netos. Obrigada gente! Amei. Minha filha, que é uma exímia chef, preparou  para entrada, bruschettas de cogumelos, cebola e queijo; o prato principal foi um risotto italiano de peras e gongonzola que ficou maravilhoso e a sobremesa foi uma bolo da amêndoas para acompanhar o café. Perfeito! Aqui estão as fotos para vocês terem uma idéia do que estou falando!

Bruschetta com cogumelos e cebolas refogados na manteiga. O queijo é acrescentado depois e derretido no forno antes de servir!

Risotto de peras e gorgonzola. Ela simplesmente acrescentou peras mais firmes, picadas em cubos, no final, para elas não ficassem esmagadas. O gorgonzola foi acrescentado junto com o queijo parmesão. As peras suavizam o sabor do gorgonzola. Ficou perfeito.

bolo de amêndoas
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